Also present  

Totals FKH - Long Key SP morning flight (FL) 2023

1.Blue-winged Teal08175156156060 (18 Sep)1710 1 Sep25 Oct sp.0101101 ( 7 Sep)21 7 Sep 7 Sep
3.Common Nighthawk05405454050 ( 1 Sep)74 1 Sep25 Sep
4.Chuck-will's-widow151217373010 (27 Sep)513030 Aug29 Oct
5.Yellow-billed Cuckoo0101101 ( 2 Sep)21 2 Sep 2 Sep
6.Mangrove Cuckoo0011101 (17 Oct)2117 Oct17 Oct
7.Cuckoo0011101 (23 Oct)2123 Oct23 Oct
8.Feral Pigeon0033303 (22 Oct)2122 Oct22 Oct
9.White-crowned Pigeon1013218160160035 ( 6 Sep)583421 Aug30 Oct
10.Collared Dove0022201 (23 Oct)3223 Oct30 Oct
11.Common Ground Dove0414181804 (23 Oct)10614 Sep30 Oct
12.Mourning Dove0031313106 (17 Oct)15915 Oct29 Oct
13.White-winged Dove0077705 (23 Oct)3223 Oct25 Oct
14.Mangrove Rail0022202 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
15.Sora0101101 (29 Sep)2129 Sep29 Sep
16.Caribbean Flamingo3025503 (31 Aug)3231 Aug15 Oct
17.Black-necked Stilt0101101 (23 Sep)2123 Sep23 Sep
18.Grey Plover1121783311311017 (10 Sep)684013 Aug29 Oct
19.Killdeer0033301 (22 Oct)5322 Oct24 Oct
20.Semipalmated Plover89988343142014200102 ( 5 Sep)734313 Aug30 Oct
21.Piping Plover05421757507 (19 Sep)4124 2 Sep25 Oct
22.Wilson's Plover1629902 (27 Sep)14813 Aug23 Oct
23.Hudsonian Whimbrel0202201 (17 Sep)3217 Sep27 Sep
24.Short-billed Dowitcher612485419296529650236 ( 5 Sep)784613 Aug30 Oct
25.dowitcher sp.1000101006 (31 Aug)3230 Aug31 Aug
26.Wilson's Snipe0022201 (16 Oct)3216 Oct17 Oct
27.Spotted Sandpiper17234444406 (23 Aug)412413 Aug29 Oct
28.Solitary Sandpiper0112201 ( 8 Sep)32 8 Sep15 Oct
29.Lesser Yellowlegs416111106 (16 Oct)5323 Aug16 Oct
30.Willet2619513234234019 (10 Sep)613613 Aug24 Oct
31.Willet (Western)09617070014 (23 Oct)201227 Sep29 Oct
32.Greater Yellowlegs0216181804 (23 Oct)1710 8 Sep30 Oct
33.Greater/Lesser Yellowlegs13252929025 (30 Oct)5321 Aug30 Oct
34.Turnstone2956653648648072 (12 Sep)613613 Aug30 Oct
35.Sanderling291024247130013000161 (27 Sep)663913 Aug30 Oct
36.Least Sandpiper1681884221227322730160 ( 7 Sep)784621 Aug30 Oct
37.Pectoral Sandpiper0202202 (19 Sep)2119 Sep19 Sep
38.Western Sandpiper1133171704 ( 1 Sep)171031 Aug30 Oct
39.Semipalmated Sandpiper484513502502082 (12 Sep)462713 Aug29 Oct
40.Caspian Tern0202201 ( 9 Sep)32 9 Sep19 Sep
41.Sandwich Tern42302727010 ( 6 Sep)12731 Aug30 Sep
42.Royal Tern917046225225042 ( 7 Sep)442613 Aug30 Oct
43.Laughing Gull615033144144035 (21 Aug)291713 Aug30 Oct
44.Lesser Black-backed Gull0022201 (21 Oct)3221 Oct23 Oct
45.Magnificent Frigatebird91835626207 (19 Sep)372213 Aug28 Oct
46.Anhinga0145504 (23 Oct)32 5 Sep23 Oct
47.Double-crested Cormorant03216219219065 (15 Oct)3420 5 Sep30 Oct
48.White Ibis5825356226220167 (16 Oct)513013 Aug30 Oct
49.Glossy Ibis3110141407 (29 Sep)7423 Aug29 Sep
50.Roseate Spoonbill4115202006 (28 Oct)12721 Aug28 Oct
51.Yellow-crowned Night Heron0623292906 (15 Oct)221323 Sep30 Oct
52.Night Heron0011101 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
53.Little Blue Heron11319333306 (23 Sep)321923 Aug29 Oct
54.Tricolored Heron12046676709 (25 Oct)372223 Aug29 Oct
55.Reddish Egret0167702 (16 Oct)85 4 Sep25 Oct
56.Snowy Egret11220333306 (23 Oct)311821 Aug30 Oct
57.Green Heron046101002 (28 Sep)15924 Sep30 Oct
58.Cattle Egret56886159159060 (19 Sep)14825 Aug30 Oct
59.Great White Egret029173202202037 (21 Oct)4929 5 Sep30 Oct
60.Great Blue Heron02979999016 (16 Oct)3923 5 Sep30 Oct
61.Great Blue Heron (Great White)0022201 ( 5 Oct)32 5 Oct21 Oct
62.Brown Pelican0948575709 (28 Oct)291728 Sep30 Oct
63.Turkey Vulture08728080024 (23 Oct)241429 Sep30 Oct
64.Osprey34765115115011 ( 1 Oct)633721 Aug30 Oct
65.Swallow-tailed Kite442101003 (13 Aug)10613 Aug 1 Oct
66.Sharp-shinned Hawk01676868018 (16 Oct)201229 Sep25 Oct
67.Cooper's Hawk0910191904 (16 Oct)2213 9 Sep23 Oct
68.Northern Harrier0558636308 (16 Oct)362119 Sep30 Oct
69.Bald Eagle0044401 ( 8 Oct)74 8 Oct23 Oct
70.Mississippi Kite0404404 ( 5 Sep)21 5 Sep 5 Sep
71.Snail Kite0101101 (17 Sep)2117 Sep17 Sep
72.Red-shouldered Hawk0033301 (23 Oct)5323 Oct30 Oct
73.Broad-winged Hawk03798282042 (16 Oct)191129 Sep28 Oct
74.Short-tailed Hawk0257702 (17 Oct)106 9 Sep23 Oct
75.Swainson's Hawk0011101 (17 Oct)2117 Oct17 Oct
76.Burrowing Owl1001011 (27 Aug)2127 Aug27 Aug
77.Belted Kingfisher5435710510507 ( 5 Sep)663921 Aug30 Oct
78.Red-bellied Woodpecker0728353507 (23 Oct)201212 Sep28 Oct
79.American Kestrel00110110110060 (15 Oct)2716 1 Oct30 Oct
80.Merlin015486363011 (15 Oct)462719 Sep30 Oct
81.Peregrine015496464017 ( 1 Oct)342019 Sep30 Oct
82.Eastern Phoebe0033301 (22 Oct)5322 Oct30 Oct
83.Eastern Wood Pewee059141405 (15 Oct)85 1 Sep23 Oct
84.Eastern Kingbird42660270270075 ( 9 Sep)321925 Aug30 Sep
85.Grey Kingbird195807777015 ( 8 Sep)362121 Aug29 Sep
86.Great Crested Flycatcher11216292903 (22 Oct)392321 Aug29 Oct
87.La Sagra's Flycatcher197171701 (21 Aug)291721 Aug27 Oct
88.Red-eyed Vireo0247313104 (27 Sep)3118 1 Sep28 Oct
89.Black-whiskered Vireo3141181802 ( 2 Sep)251525 Aug 7 Oct
90.Yellow-throated Vireo0404403 (23 Sep)32 5 Sep23 Sep
91.White-eyed Vireo0178801 (29 Sep)14829 Sep24 Oct
92.Blue Jay0022201 (15 Oct)3215 Oct28 Oct
93.Fish/American Crow0022022 (30 Oct)2130 Oct30 Oct
94.Sand Martin0268805 (15 Oct)74 1 Sep15 Oct
95.Tree Swallow0101101 (19 Sep)2119 Sep19 Sep
96.Purple Martin483808686042 (23 Aug)171021 Aug20 Sep
97.Northern Rough-winged Swallow01103104104051 (16 Oct)12719 Sep25 Oct
98.Swallow142974132124812480204 ( 2 Sep)734313 Aug30 Oct
99.Cliff Swallow00303030013 (16 Oct)5315 Oct23 Oct
100.swallow sp.00585858058 (23 Oct)2123 Oct23 Oct
101.Cliff/Cave Swallow00121212012 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
102.Ruby-crowned Kinglet0011101 (16 Oct)2116 Oct16 Oct
103.House Wren0011101 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
104.Blue-grey Gnatcatcher25214127366366025 ( 4 Sep)935521 Aug30 Oct
105.Grey Catbird00159159159090 (15 Oct)2515 4 Oct30 Oct
106.Northern Mockingbird0010101002 (22 Oct)10615 Oct30 Oct
107.Wood Thrush0011101 (16 Oct)2116 Oct16 Oct
108.Swainson's Thrush0411151506 ( 9 Oct)12718 Sep20 Oct
109.Grey-cheeked Thrush0011101 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
110.Veery0044404 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
111.Lark Sparrow0101101 (14 Sep)2114 Sep14 Sep
112.Chipping Sparrow0112201 (29 Sep)3229 Sep 6 Oct
113.Clay-colored Sparrow0202201 (11 Sep)3211 Sep19 Sep
114.Savannah Sparrow0022201 (28 Oct)3228 Oct30 Oct
115.Bobolink025388341341052 (29 Sep)362113 Sep17 Oct
116.Baltimore Oriole0213301 ( 9 Sep)53 9 Sep28 Oct
117.Red-winged Blackbird028598787021 (22 Oct)201216 Sep30 Oct
118.Common Grackle0011101 (30 Oct)2130 Oct30 Oct
119.Ovenbird810067175175010 (15 Oct)855021 Aug30 Oct
120.Worm-eating Warbler0122141403 (23 Sep)1710 5 Sep 1 Oct
121.Louisiana Waterthrush1102201 (21 Aug)3221 Aug 5 Sep
122.Northern Waterthrush2419478296296014 (23 Sep)955623 Aug30 Oct
123.Golden-winged Warbler0101101 (29 Sep)2129 Sep29 Sep
124.Blue-winged Warbler0101101 (17 Sep)2117 Sep17 Sep
125.Black-and-white Warbler335579595011 ( 1 Oct)714223 Aug30 Oct
126.Prothonotary Warbler0707705 ( 1 Sep)53 1 Sep28 Sep
127.Swainson's Warbler0022202 (16 Oct)2116 Oct16 Oct
128.Tennessee Warbler0235502 (16 Oct)7424 Sep16 Oct
129.Nashville Warbler0022201 (17 Oct)3217 Oct23 Oct
130.Common Yellowthroat0964245205200150 (15 Oct)6136 9 Sep30 Oct
131.Hooded Warbler0101101 (10 Sep)2110 Sep10 Sep
132.American Redstart24198243465465075 (15 Oct)885213 Aug30 Oct
133.Cape May Warbler03731686808 ( 1 Oct)3923 3 Sep30 Oct
134.Northern Parula14144148306306045 (15 Oct)865121 Aug30 Oct
135.Magnolia Warbler01293030015 (16 Oct)221319 Sep30 Oct
136.Blackburnian Warbler0303301 ( 5 Sep)53 5 Sep17 Sep
137.American Yellow Warbler0101111104 (11 Sep)127 5 Sep15 Oct
138.Chestnut-sided Warbler0112201 (11 Sep)3211 Sep15 Oct
139.Black-throated Blue Warbler035518686013 (29 Sep)4728 2 Sep30 Oct
140.Palm Warbler05105151024 (23 Sep)10610 Sep23 Sep
141.Palm Warbler (Western)0414935345340150 (15 Oct)442626 Sep30 Oct
142.Yellow-throated Warbler53613545404 ( 5 Sep)563323 Aug23 Oct
143.Prairie Warbler5229055397397032 (29 Sep)865121 Aug30 Oct
144.Townsend's Warbler0202201 (10 Sep)3210 Sep12 Sep
145.Black-throated Green Warbler0033301 ( 8 Oct)53 8 Oct24 Oct
146.Wilson's Warbler0011101 ( 1 Oct)21 1 Oct 1 Oct
147.Summer Tanager0112201 (29 Sep)3229 Sep15 Oct
148.Rose-breasted Grosbeak0011101 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
149.Northern Cardinal0029292906 (15 Oct)10615 Oct30 Oct
150.Dickcissel0112201 (29 Sep)3229 Sep15 Oct
151.Indigo Bunting00303030015 (15 Oct)8515 Oct24 Oct
152.Painted Bunting0088806 (16 Oct)5316 Oct21 Oct
153.passerine sp.001001001000100 (15 Oct)2115 Oct15 Oct
154.warbler sp. 06505656050 (15 Oct)53 1 Sep15 Oct
  Totals 99912162656019721197183 10059  
  Observation hours 13:2189:3260:18163:11

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